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At Hormead, we pride ourselves on good communication with parents.

The Headteacher will be at the entrance gate every morning to welcome children into school. She is always happy to have a quick chat or we can book you in to see her at a more convenient time. The class teacher or teaching assistant will be at the classroom door to greet every child as they come in. This also allows for open communication for parents, adding to our positive parent-teacher relationships.

We have a whole school newsletter that goes out fortnightly on a Friday. The newsletter will keep you updated with what has been happening across the school and provide information for upcoming events.

To help with our correspondence, we ask that parents download the following three apps: 


Arbor is the place where all your details are stored confidentially. If you need to update your telephone number, address or notify us of a change to medical history or allergies, you can make the changes on Arbor. We will then receive a notification to update our records. Abor is also used for payments. You can pay for school dinners, school trips etc through Arbor.

  • To access Arbor – download the app from the App Store or Google Play.
  • You should receive an email from Arbor with details of your login and password.
  • Your username is your email address.
  • You can always click on ‘forgotten password’ to reset this with your email.


SchoolPing is our main form of communication. It is a one-way form of communication ie: school to you. We use School Ping to send reminders and messages to you, as well as to send any letters and the fortnightly newsletter. It is also used to book your slot for Parent Consultations.

  • Your password will be provided to you in the form of an email from SchoolPing (DBPrimary)
  • The app is available for Android and iPhone and can be downloaded from the app store by searching for SchoolPing.
  • Once this has downloaded, search for Hormead First School from the list of schools.
  • To log in, type in your username (your email) and your password.
  • You will then be taken through the set-up steps.
  • You can always click on ‘forgotten password’ to reset this with your email.

Class Dojo

Class Dojo is a fun learning platform the teachers use in class. We use this app as a window into our school. It is a place for teachers to share the learning that is happening in class, including photographs and videos. Teachers also use this app to set homework. 

  • To access Class Dojo – download the app from the App Store or Google Play.
  • You should receive an email from Class Dojo with details of your login and password.
  • If you have not received this, please speak to the class teacher who will be able to support. 
  • Your username is your email address.

Please ensure you enable notifications for these apps so you don’t miss a message. If you have any trouble getting into the apps please contact the school office.