Uniform Information
Hormead School Uniform
We expect all children to wear the correct school uniform. Uniform should be clean, smart, tidy, should fit well and be worn with pride. All children will need a school book bag which can be purchased from our suppliers above.
How to order school uniform
All children should have a school jumper or cardigan with the school logo on it. These can be purchased, along with all our other uniform requirements, from Mapac.
Mapac will deliver to your home or they offer free deliveries to our school. Please follow the link above to find out more.
All uniform without a school logo can also be purchased from all high street supermarkets. See below for a list of our uniform requirement.
Winter Uniform
Grey skirt, grey culottes, grey pinafore dress or smart grey trousers
Sky blue polo shirt with logo
Navy blue sweatshirt or cardigan with logo
Grey knee length socks or grey tights
Coat (preferably plain black or navy blue)
Black shoes or all black trainers (no boots)
Grey trousers
Sky blue polo shirt with logo
Navy blue sweatshirt with logo
Grey socks
Coat (plain black or navy blue)
Black shoes or all black trainers (no boots)
Summer Uniform
As per winter uniform, with the addition/change of the following items:
Pale blue and white gingham school dress
Grey shorts
Plain white knee length or ankle socks (no trainer socks) to go with gingham dress
Plain grey knee length or ankle socks (no trainer socks) to go with shorts or trousers
Black shoes or all black trainers (no sandals or boots)
Please note: We do not discriminate against girls wanting to wear the boys uniform or vice versa, as long as they are in uniform.
PE Kit
All children
Navy blue football shorts (plain with no logos)
Navy blue skort or cycling shorts (no logos)
Plain colour house t-shirt
Y1 -Y4 Sky blue t-shirt (with logo)
Trainers (suitable for all sports)
White or grey socks (no trainer socks)
Plain navy blue jogging bottoms (no logos) (optional for colder days)
Plain navy blue sweatshirt (no hoods) (optional for colder days)
School PE kit bag (with or without logo)
School book bag with logo ONLY – no rucksacks or other bags
Hair that is on or below the shoulder must be tied up completely with a navy blue or white hairband.
Hairclips must be navy blue or white.
Small navy blue or white bow (no bigger than 5cm).
No extreme haircuts including tramlines or colours
Earrings – small plain round silver or gold studs – these must be removed or taped during PE
No nail varnish or gels
No other jewellery to be worn
No tattoos, transfers or Henna artwork
Watches may be worn however these must NOT be smart watches.
Please note the school cannot accept responsibility for any accessories.
Pre-Loved Uniform
We now have pre-loved uniform available, just ask at the school office. We also have uniform swap sessions at the end of most terms.
Labelling school uniform
Please clearly label ALL items of clothing, including coats, shoes, trainers, and P.E. kit with your child’s name. Unfortunately, we do not have room to store all the lost property. Named articles will be returned to owners and unnamed clothing will be stored in Reception. Any unclaimed items will be given away at the end of term!
A great website to purchase labels from and raise money for the school at the same time is a website called,
Follow the link, choose your labels and then in your basket search for the charity ‘Hormead School’ and a percentage of your purchase will be given to Hormead School. https://www.easy2name.com/