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Remote Learning

Remote learning in our school

We are very proud of how well our school has managed home learning during recent lockdowns. In our school, we use a balance of online learning and guided tasks to keep children on track and engaged in learning. All remote learning at Hormead, from Nursery to year 4, will be shared using the Class Dojo App. This will allow staff to keep daily contact in a professional and confidential manner with their class. All parents are provided with a username and password for ClassDojo when they join the school.


Flexibility of Learning

We realise that the circumstances that cause our school to close will affect families in a number of ways. In our planning and expectations, we are aware of the need for flexibility from all sides and have a plan in place to manage all scenarios. We will always talk with parents to ensure your child is getting the most out of home learning.

Please see a copy of our Remote Learning Policy below, along with newsletters showing the children's learning in our most recent lockdown.

Whole School Remote Learning Overview