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Physical Education (PE)


When pupils leave Hormead, we want them to have the knowledge and understanding of how to lead a healthy and active life, enabling them to make positive decisions in relation to healthy eating, exercise and mental wellbeing. Our pupils will demonstrate resilience and have the confidence and fitness to access a range of activities and take part in different competitive sports. 

Our curriculum will support the development of a broad and varied range of basic fine and gross motor skills and promote local and national role models within sport. The PE curriculum will focus on more than just physical skills; it will teach pupils about the links between health, fitness, and their wellbeing. It will also teach them the sports attitudes that they will need to have to be healthy competitors.

As a school, we value the impact that PE and Sport can have in other areas of the curriculum including, encouraging the use of active learning in all our subjects. PE and Sport will also play a role in developing key social skills through a range of competitions, experiences and attempting to remove existing barriers to long term participation in physical fitness.

For our pupils, the curriculum will have an additional focus on creating sustainable opportunities for pupils to engage in sport in the local community and supporting the school’s overall focus on pupil wellbeing by engaging with the Hertford and Ware School Sports Partnership and taking part in any and all events that we can.

It is our intent to inspire children to discover a love of sport and healthy activity that will positively impact on their future. We aim to deliver high-quality teaching and learning opportunities through our Get Set 4 PE scheme that inspire all children to succeed in physical activities. We want to teach children how to cooperate and collaborate with others, as part of a team, understanding fairness and equity of play to embed life-long values.

Our intent is to ensure that the we fulfil all the requirements of the national curriculum for PE including:

  • Developing competence to excel in a broad range of physical activities
  • Being physically active for sustained periods of time
  • Engaging in competitive sports and activities
  • Leading healthy, active lives

This will give children context to their learning and children will then understand the value of PE to them now, and in their future.


At Hormead, we use the Get Set 4 PE scheme to cover the key areas of the PE curriculum. Lessons are taught every week by a specialist sports coach with supplementary lessons also being taught for an extra hour each week in Key Stage 2. We plan for progression across year groups and build upon skills year-on-year to ensure that we have a school full of engaged, active children. Children are assessed on their learning at the end of each unit using the Get Set 4 PE assessment tracker. This makes it easy to identify gaps in children's learning and also inform future teaching across units and year groups. Children are able to self and peer-assess in PE lessons as well as identify areas for improvement through recording their movements and reflecting on them at a later time.

Children's interests informs our curriculum and we use pupil voice to find out what children enjoy and want to learn more about. We also take into account areas where children are not as confident and target these areas, also.


At Hormead, children enjoy taking part in PE and attending inter-school sports events throughout the year. Children understand the importance of physical activity and the benefits that these can have on your physical and mental health. Children's atatinment is noted at the end of each unit and recorded on an online form. Through engaging with this, it is clear to see children's progression throughout the year. Through pupil voice, children are capable in explaining what they have learned in PE and how this links with previous learning. Additionally, through taking part in inter-school events, we have seen that our children are generally performing better year-on-year in a wide variety of events including cross country, tag rugby and athletics. By getting our children engaged in PE in the EYFS, children have a deep rooted enjoyment in physical activity and love taking part in sport. It is our hope that the children leave our school with these same attitudes and take them to their new school.

School Houses

At Hormead Primary School, we operate a House System. The Houses are named after four elements; Fire, Wind, Earth and Water. Each of the houses are linked to a special story in the bible to bring a sense of belonging and pride for their house. Children represent their Houses in Sports Day and other sporting/competitive events throughout the year. The Houses each have two House Captains who will help to run and organise the sporting events as well as support the children in their Houses. 

GB Athlete Steve Frew Visit!

Ash Randall - Football Freestyler


PE in Action