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We believe that children have the right to be completely secure from both the fear and reality of abuse and we are committed to protecting all the children in our care from harm. 
All of our staff understand the ‘Safeguarding Children’ procedures and undertake appropriate training and guidance in the principles of safe caring. 
Any allegation of child abuse will be treated seriously and sensitively. We will not carry out any investigation itself into a suspected child abuse incident. On discovering an allegation of abuse, the staff will refer the case to the Senior Designated Person, Mrs Lynda Cowler. The case will immediately be referred to the local statutory Child Protection Agencies.

Equal opportunities and data protection

We are keen to represent a cross section of members within the community and do not discriminate against children or families, or prevent entry into our setting, on the basis of colour, ethnicity, religion or social background.

We do not discriminate against children or adults with learning difficulties and disabilities or refuse entry to our setting. We would develop an action plan to ensure that children or adults with learning needs can participate successfully in the services offered by the setting and in the curriculum.

We aim to provide a welcoming and caring environment that promotes and reflects cultural and social diversity and is equally accessible to all. We will endeavour to challenge any offensive behaviour, language or attitudes with regards to race, ethnicity, nationality, class, religion, culture, gender, language, sexual orientation and disability. 

We will help all children to celebrate and express their cultural and religious identity by providing a wide range of appropriate resources.

In compliance with current UK data protection legislation, any data provided/collected by Hormead First School regarding a child/adult/family will be kept secure and treated with confidentially. The data collected will only be used by the school and will not be disclosed to any external sources without prior consent.