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Your First Day

Settling in

We understand that all children are different and the amount of time that a child takes to settle in can vary enormously. Your child will be given time to settle, so that they can become confident in their new environment. You will be asked to fill out an ‘All about me’ form, to give us details of your child’s likes and dislikes, and any information to help settle them.

What should I bring on the first day?

  • A bag with nappies, wipes, nappy sack, nappy cream if your child is in a nappy
  • A spare change of clothes: underwear, socks, t-shirt, trousers, jumper
  • Pair of Wellies to be left at the Pre-school and/or Nursery
  • A packed lunch (if they stay) – a school dinner can also be ordered at an additional cost
  • A drink bottle clearly labelled with their name and containing water – children can fill this up with water throughout the day.
  • Suitable footwear, preferably Velcro (no flip flops or crocs)
  • All items should be clearly named.
  • Seasonal clothing
    • Waterproof jacket / coat / all in one
    • Sun hat (sun cream applied or in bag if needs re-applying)
    • Warm hat, gloves

Lunch Boxes

We encourage parents to provide a healthy packed lunch. Please follow the guidelines below:

  • No fizzy drinks, sweets or chocolate (chocolate biscuits are allowed)
  • No nuts or peanut butter, chocolate spread (We are a nut free site )
  • We encourage children to bring in a fruit or vegetable snack.