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Educational Programme

The sessions are planned around the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS). This curriculum covers children from birth until their fifth birthday and follows them through Reception, sometimes into Year 1 depending on the child’s level of development.

Learning Through Play

Children learn best when they are actively involved in something they enjoy. When you visit us, it will appear obvious that the children spend a great deal of time ‘playing’. Play has a serious purpose for each child; it is their main learning tool. Play offers children a means of exploring and understanding the world and their place in it. Our play activities are carefully structured and tailored to meet each child’s individual need.

We cover different topics each half term allowing the areas of the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum to be covered in a way that is relevant to young children. 

There are three prime areas of learning and development:
1. Personal, Social and Emotional Development. 
2. Communication and Language. 
3. Physical Development. 

These are the areas on which we place primary focus to create individuals that are independent, good communicators and physically able. This then makes the children more receptive to the four specific areas of the curriculum. These are Literacy, Mathematics, Understanding the World and Expressive Arts and Design. 

All these areas are interconnected using the unique Characteristics of Effective Learning.

  • Playing and exploring – engagement
  • Active Learning – motivation
  • Creating and Thinking critically – thinking and problem solving

As your child progresses along the Early Years Foundation Stage we will work together and share your child’s progress; verbally through your child’s key person at sessions, through observations of your child's learning, termly parent consultations and end of year reports. We also carry out a 2 year progress check for children aged 2 years old, to ensure they are hitting key milestones in their development. This can be completed any time from 2 years old to 2 years and 6 months of age.