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In all schools, day to day management of the school is the responsibility of the Headteacher, but the Governing Body is responsible for overseeing all aspects of school life and has three statutory responsibilities:

Setting the strategic direction
Governing Bodies are the key strategic decision makers in every school. Along with the headteacher, it is the job of the governing body to set the school’s aims and objectives around how the school will develop and improve. They set policies, formulate plans and agree targets to help the school achieve these objectives, as well as regularly reviewing their strategic framework in light of that progress.

Creating robust accountability
The Governing Body is there to support and challenge the headteacher. They play a crucial role in holding the headteacher to account for securing the best possible outcomes for pupils. By challenging key decisions and asking pertinent questions about the school’s performance data, governors aim to guarantee high standards in education.

Financial responsibility
Governing bodies have a strategic role in the financial management of schools. Their key responsibilities include, setting financial priorities through the school development plan, the 3-year financial plan and the annual budget. They also decide on how the school’s delegated budget should be spent in accordance with the School Improvement Plan and statutory curriculum requirements.

Governing bodies are appointed or elected in a number of different governor categories, representing the various groups with an interest in the school. They bring different skills and experience to the governing body (co-opted governors are appointed specifically for the skills they offer) and share a keen interest in the education of the children at Hormead and an enthusiasm to help achieve the school’s Vision.

Governing Board


Parochial Church Council Appointed

James Wyld

Norman Richards


Diocesan Board of Education Appointed

Michael Johnson (Chair)

Vacancy (1)


Lynda Cowler

Foundation Ex-Officio

Revd James Sawyer  (Vice Chair)


Lizzie Johnson

Tom Millbrow


Steph Cawsey

Local Authority

Rose Dale

Associate Member

Vacancy (1)

Become a Governor

The role of the school Governor is demanding but very rewarding and is a good way to give back to your local community. School Governing Bodies are responsible for working with the school to ensure that it delivers a good quality education. All our Governors have an area of the school or subject that they are linked to.

We currently have a vacancy for a Foundation Governor. Please contact the Chairman, via the School Office, should you require further information about any of our vacancies.
The Governing Body of Hormead has determined that a governor's term of office is four years.

Meet our Governors

Governors are dedicated to ensuring that the children in our school have the best education possible. Their primary focus involves working in partnership with the school, parents and children to get the best outcomes for all. You can read more about who they are in our sections to the left of this page.

Register of Interests & Terms of Office

Governors are required to declare any potential business interests, relationships to any employees of the school or to other governors, the Clerk or associate members of the Governing Body.  Governors are also asked to declare any other educational establishments where they are a Governor, Director or Trustee, any of which may lead to a conflict of interest.   See below for more information.

Name of governor

Type of governor

Term from

Term to

Register of Interests

Stephanie Cawsey


07 Mar 2022

6 Mar 2026

No declarations of interest

Steve Churchill

Foundation PCC

15 Jan 2020

14 Jan 2024

No declarations of interest

Lynda Cowler


01 Sep 2019


No declarations of interest

Rose Dale

Local Authority

22 Jun 2023

21 Jun 2027

No declarations of interest

Lizzie Johnson


24 Jun 2021

23 Jun 2025

No declarations of interest

Michael Johnson

Foundation DBE

31 Jan 2021

30 Jan 2025

Alswick Hall Farms Limited - Farms local to School

Tom Millbrow


23 Mar 2022

22 Mar 2026

No declarations of interest

Norman Richards

Foundation PCC

13 Sep 2022

12 Sep 2026

No declarations of interest

James Sawyer

Foundation ex-officio



Daughter training at school

James Wyld

Foundation PCC

17 May 2021

16 May 2025

Wyld Farms - Farm bordering school





Also, Strategic Leader of Governance for Hertfordshire

Governor Meetings 2023-2024


Governing Board


Remote / In Person

Apologies for non- attendance

Autumn Term

Full Governor Body

Thu 14th September

In person 6pm

Steve Churchill, Tom Millbrow, Rose Dale

Curriculum Committee

Tue 3rd October

In person 6pm


Finance Committee

Tue 31st October

In person 6pm

Meeting postponed -  correspondence via email

Full Governor Body

Tue 7th November

Remote 6pm


Finance Committee

Tue 28th November

Remote 6pm


Curriculum Committee

Tues 5th December

Remote 6pm


Spring Term

Full Governor Body

Tue 6th February

Remote 6pm


Finance Committee

Tues 27th February

Remote 6pm


Curriculum Committee

Tues 5th March

Remote 6pm


Full Governor Body

Tue 12th March

Remote 6pm


Finance Committee

Tue 26th March

Remote 6pm


Summer Term

Finance Committee

Thu 9th May

In person 6pm


Full Governor Body

Tue 15th May

Remote 6pm


Curriculum Committee

Tue 11th June

In person 6pm


Full Governor Body

Thu 20th June

In person 6pm


Finance Committee

Tue 2nd July

In person 6pm





Governor Policies and Documents