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Willow Class Year 1

Welcome to Willow Class!

We are Year 1. In Willow Class, we love to have fun, work hard and show all of our values in everything we do. Our class is full of exciting, stimulating activities and resources to help enhance our learning through the use of continuous provision. In Year 1, we develop into more independent learners and take pride in our work and achievements. 

Keep an eye on this page for regular Willow Class updates, termly curriculum newsletters and photos. 

Meet the Team

Miss O'Connor
Class Teacher
Mrs Buckmaster
Teaching Assistant
Miss Cherry
1:1 Support

Curriculum and Learning

Term Topic
Autumn 1  How am I making history?
Autumn 2 What is it like here?
Spring 1 How have toys changed?
Spring 2 What is the weather like in the UK?
Summer 1  How have explorers chnaged the world?
Summer 2 What is it like to live in Shanghai?

What have we been doing?
