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School Council

School Council of 2023-24

Our School Council Pledge

"We will make everyone feel welcome at Hormead and we will spread the love of our school values."


Through our School Council, we ensure that all the children at Hormead are cared for, supported and listened to. We encourage the children in our school to become more aware of some of the issues around us.  Our School Council are seen as leaders in change and actively involved in the decision making to improve our school and environment. Our School Council gives pupils opportunities to communicate feelings and opinions to staff, as well as influencing decisions that are made. The School Council meets at least once a half term.  The meetings are led and minuted by the member of staff responsible for the School Council.

  • Pupils who are elected are expected to:
  • Attend all meetings
  • Talk to the classes they represent, feedback and share information and ideas
  • Have ideas to share with the School Council
  • Consider the views and opinions of others
  • Be identifiable by wearing their School Council badge.

October 2023

The school council children kindly offered to be our first playtime buddies of the new school year. We decided that the buddies will be changed every half term. On the 3rd  November 2023 the School council children will be running the Sweet Jar stall at the Fireworks events. The money that is raised will go towards buying new buddy hats. The children are keen to raise more money in other ways to try and fund things to improve our school. 

November 2023

In the last meeting the School Council children reviewed our previous lunchtime rules and made some changes. 


The School Council children in Oak class have been helping to deliver poppies to the whole school this week. All of the money that is raised will go to The Royal British Legion charity. 

January 2024

In the last meeting we discussed our intent. The children collectively agreed that we want to do everything we can to improve our school and support our local and wider community. The children are passionate about listening to their freinds ideas and being the voices for their classes. They are keen to raise money to enrich our school and help others. 

We discussed how we can remind children of our school values after returning from half term breaks. They suggested getting a whiteboard for the playground so that they can capture any moments where children are showing our values. To fund this we are planning on hosting a values day where we will all dress up in the colours of a value and donate money. 

Mrs Sprosson is in the process of purchasing our new buddy hats for our buddies at playtime and lunch time. 

February 2024

This week the school council children had a meeting. Our new buddy hats have been delivered and the children are extremely happy with them. We discussed how we could help the buddies to support any children that were feeling sad or left out and they suggested a buddy bag full of different games and equipment. We have made our own Hormead buddy bag and the children will be showing the school how to use it in Fridays celebration assembly.