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House Captains

Our Houses are named after 4 elements, FIRE, WIND, EARTH and WATER.

At the start of every new year, House Captains are elected in Year 4. House Captains are seen as leaders in our school. They encourage and tally up house points collected in each class. They lead our sports day events and other team building events in the year.

To bring even more meaning to our Houses, each element is linked to a special story in the bible.

We have a House assembly every Tuesday, where all children in the school move to their respective classes to join up with fellow house members. We have a program of assemblies planned and led by teachers and the children themselves, to discuss and learn about current affairs, religious and significant events, and listen to bible stories. One of the first assemblies is led by the  House Captains, who read their special house bible story to the group of children.

Children have the opportunity to earn house points throughout the year  and these are given out in Friday's celebration assembly. It is always an exciting moment, to find out who is in the lead and who will be the winner of our termly house cup!