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At Hormead First and Nursery School, our approach to behaviour management is rooted in our unique Christian ethos and core values that are underpinned by our school Vision, ‘Love of Learning, Love of Life itself and Love of God.’ The values support all areas of learning and contribute to the pupil’s motivation to learn. We recognise that this will be most successful when the values and attitudes promoted by staff, governors, parents and carers, provide a model of behaviour for children. All our policies and decision making are formed through the lenses of our Vision and Christian Values to ensure that every person has the chance to succeed and be prepared for life in all its fullness.

Our Behaviour Policy promotes good relationships, so that we can work together with the common purpose of helping everyone learn. Everyone is expected to behave responsibly, to show care, consideration and courtesy towards each other and have respect for property. Our relationships are developed through the use of a compassionate, therapeutic approach which encourages children to take responsibility for their own behaviours and supports empathy building through conversations around Christian values. We treat all children fairly, compassionately and consistently based on Christian principles of forgiveness and a fresh start. This is the cornerstone of Jesus’ teaching. We believe, like Jesus, that we should forgive our neighbours and try to educate instead of punish.
Our policy sets out the expectations for behaviour at Hormead and the procedures we have created in order to help us implement these expectations. It also sets out the consequences for misdemeanours should they arise.

Please see our Behaviour Policy, in the 'Key Information' tab for more detail