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Reverend James Sawyer

Hello, I’m the Rector of St Nicholas’ Church, Hormead, which serves the communities of Great and Little Hormead, and Hare Street. I look after four other churches in Wyddial, Anstey, Brent Pelham and Meesden too. I’m also the Assistant Rural Dean for the Buntingford Deanery, and keen to ensure that Hormead Church of England First School offers the very best start in education for any child wishing to attend from our catchment area.

I have the joy of visiting the school and leading Collective Worship every week or welcoming the children and their families to special school services at St Nicholas’ Church. Living locally with my family, I visit on other occasions and regularly listen to children read. Part of my role is to be a Foundation Governor at Hormead School with responsibility for maintaining our Christian distinctiveness in our values and policies. I play an active role with my Governor colleagues in supporting Mrs Cowler and the staff team at our school. Before being ordained, I had a 30-year career in design and marketing so I am delighted to be the link Governor for Art as well as RE.