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Hedgehogs Nursery

Welcome to Hedgehogs Nursery

We are the Nursery team at Hormead. We are committed to ensuring your child gets the best possible start to their school life in a fun filled learning environment. Our setting caters for children from the age of 3 years old to 4 years, the year before they start big school.

Meet the team

EY Practitioner


EY Practitioner


EY Practitioner


EY Practitioner


EY Practitioner
EY Practitioner

Our Curriculum 2023-2024 

Our academic year is split into half termly topics. These are then broken down into themed weeks, all of which link to our main topic. Here are our topics for this academic year:

Autumn 1 Marvellous Me
Autumn 2 Winter Wonderland
Spring 1 Superheroes
Spring 2 Dinosaur Stomp
Summer 1 I Can See A Rainbow
Summer 2 Food Glorious Food

In addition to our half termly topics, we plan activities for our key children based on their interests to keep learning engaging and relevant to all children.


The older children in the setting have a daily phonics session - this is to make sure that the children are 'school ready' for next September and have had the practise  of listening to sounds in the environment and are beginning to hear initial and repeating sounds in words. The children look forward to their phonics session every day as each session is a game or fun activity that requires children to make noise!

The Hedgehogs Experience