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At Hormead school, we teach Computing to allow children to experience how technology can be used not only for fun, but as a learning tool and professional medium, too. We endeavor to educate children on the ways in which technology can be used to enhance our lives, but also of the dangers that can come with a connected world. Knowledge and understanding of Computing and Digital Technology is of increasing importance for children's future both at home and for education and employment. Our computing curriculum focuses on progression of skills in Computer Science, Information Technology, Digital Literacy and Online Safety to ensure that the children become competent in safely using, as well as understanding, digital technology.

We hope that in teaching our Kapow curriculum, we are able to show children the many real-world technological suites that can be used in future careers or hobbies. Children are taught in term-long blocks to allow for deep coverage and a chance to dive head first into the world of technology and our online world. It is important to us to ensure children are being safe online, while also treating others with respect. This includes asking for permission before posting online, keeping information private and always asking a trusted adult if they are unsure. As a result of teaching our computing curriculum, children will have an in-depth knowledge of how technology can enhance their learning, allow them to be creative and also have fun safely. Our computing curriculum begins right in the Early Years setting, with children using technology to help them learn and create digital images. This learning then steadily progresses throughout the school to eventually have children creating coded animations on Scratch, work collaboratively within a text document and learning how devices communicate. 


These skills are taught and revised repeatedly through Early Years, Key Stage One and Key Stage Two to ensure the learning is embedded and skills are successfully developed. Our intention is that Computing also supports children's creativity and cross curricular learning to engage children and enrich their experiences in school. 


Online safety is very important at Hormead School. We ensure this profile is maintained and that pupil needs are met by providing the following:

❖ A relevant up-to-date online safety curriculum which is progressive from Early Years to the end of Year 4.

❖ A curriculum that is threaded throughout other curriculums and embedded in the day-to-day lives of our pupils.

❖ A Responsible Use of ICT Policy which all staff, volunteers and governors are required to read and sign.

❖ An Online Safety Policy which is regularly reviewed and updated.

❖ Online Safety Rules for pupils in KS1 and KS2 which are discussed on school. The rules have been sent home and parents/carers have been asked to discuss the rules at home with their children as well.

❖ The Online Safety Policy includes a section summarising responsibilities for Parents and Carers and an Online Safety agreement for Parents / Carers.

❖ Training for staff and governors.

❖ Filtering and monitoring systems for all online access in school.

❖ Data policies which stipulate how we keep confidential information secure.


As a school, we have chosen the Kapow Computing Scheme of Work from Reception to Year 4. The scheme of work supports our teachers in delivering fun and engaging lessons which help to raise standards and allow all pupils to achieve to their full potential. This scheme of work allows children to experience a range of applications and programs that they are likely to encounter in their adult working life. We are confident that the scheme of work more than adequately meets the requirements for the National Curriculum for Computing. The scheme of work ensures each Year’s teaching builds upon the last with clear progression in skills, knowledge and vocabulary in the different areas of Computing: Digital Literacy, Information Technology and Computer Science. It provides flexibility and strong cross curricular links as well as excellent supporting material for less confident teachers.


At Hormead School, staff select resources from the Kapow EYFS curriculum to support the teaching of the Early Years curriculum and the achievement of the Early Learning Goal for Technology. EYFS pupils are taught in variety of ways through adult-led and supported tasks and child initiated learning in provision areas.

Key Stage 1

The Computing curriculum for Key Stage 1 is taught weekly in small groups for Year 1 and whole class teaching for Year 2 using the Kapow planning.

Key Stage 2

As children move into Key Stage 2, the Computing curriculum is taught to a full class. These sessions are weekly and last approximately one hour. There is a rolling programme in place for Years 3 and 4. This ensures that pupils have access to the full curriculum within the mixed-age group structure of our class.

Resources for Computing

Every child in Reception – Year 4 uses a class login for the laptops. They also have access to their own private folder on the school’s computer drive in order to independently save their work and edit it on another device if necessary.

Cross Curricular Links

Children will also use computing in a number of other subjects (English, maths, science, history/geography, music) in a number of ways including: to type, create posters, create musical compositions, research topics and use photo editing software (KS2).

Progression and Assessment


Regular observations and assessments of learning are recorded and contribute to a summative assessment at the end of EYFS. Although Computing is not explicitly reference in the new EYFS framework, we still feel it is highly beneficial to educate children in Computing as soon as they are ready.

Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2

Assessments are made at the end of each unit using a task set by the teacher, as well as an end of unit quiz that the children take part in. These contribute to a summative assessment at the end of the year using assessment documents within the Kapow scheme.


Computing has a positive impact across the whole school. There is a clear progression of knowledge and skills which are assessed at the end of each unit. Children understand why they are learning to use different computers, different programs and how they can be accessed safely. Children are also aware that computers and devices can be used as a creative tool, rather than simply a tool to assist with adult working life. Children in Key Stage 1 develop confidence and experience using different programs and platforms, enabling them to use computing software much more independently in Key Stage 2.

Children look forward to computing lessons in school and love to share their work with other children and staff. Children have a good understanding that computing is a subject where they will regularly be using technology. Using tools that can be accessed outside of school including Google Drive, Scratch and Virtual Bee-Bots means that children can take learning home and share with their families.

The impact of the curriculum will be reviewed at the end of the year through observations and assessments of pupils’ learning and through pupil discussions about their learning. As a school, we will compare how the children's knowledge of computers and computer systems develops from each key stage and how previous learning supports new knowledge.

Computing in Action